Salman Khan will begin shooting for ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’ from this week and confirming the same, Salman has presented his first look from the sets. The actor was seen sporting long tresses and his signature topaz bracelet in the picture where is captured in action. “Shooting commences for my new film ….” Salman Khan had captioned the picture.
Pooja Hegde essays the leading lady opposite Salman Khan in this film. Revealing that she had joined the sets of ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’, Pooja had shared a picture wherein she posed with Salman Khan’s iconic bracelet. Directed by Farhad Samji, ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’ also stars Aayush Sharma and Zaheer Iqbal in pivotal roles. Shehnaz Gill is also reportedly planning to mark her Bollywood debut with this Salman Khan starrer. Currently, the makers are planning to release ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’ in December this year.
Speaking about sharing the frame with Salman Khan, Pooja had previously told ETimes, “I am really excited to work with Salman Khan. The film’s shoot got postponed due to the pandemic, but we will soon start shooting for it. What I really admire about him is that he is very transparent–if he likes you, he really likes you, and if he doesn’t, then you can tell he doesn’t. I really like that. In a world where people can be fake, it’s really nice to at least know where you stand with a person. And that’s something that takes a lot of guts to do–to be frank and honest about how you feel about the person; I think that is great.”